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i’m hooked on all these feelings.

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Вы здесь » i’m hooked on all these feelings. » [crossover 👁] » ричард пэйпен

ричард пэйпен

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ричард пэйпен
// the secret history. студент в хэмпден-колледж, продавший свою душу и тело студенческой группе джулиана морроу, патологический лжец о своей семье и парень без бакса в кармане. aron piper.


развёрнутая информация о вашем персонаже, включающая в себя биографию в свободном стиле изложения [+ дополнительные и важные факты, если есть]

пример поста



Ричард Пейпэн: астры, осенние листья, что шуршат под ногами, варенье на тосте с маслом, прикусить язык так сильно, что рот наполняется вкусом железа, засыпать напротив включенного телевизора, яблочный пирог и мороженое

Ричард Пэйпен: водолазки; поражения в играх; кола и чипсы; смотреть мультфильмы с друзьями; чувствовать себя все хуже и хуже с каждым днем; перенимать привычки любимых людей; плюш и твид; старые фотографии

Меня зовут Ричард Пейпен. Мне двадцать восемь лет, и я впервые увидел Новую Англию и Хэмпден-колледж, когда мне исполнилось девятнадцать. Я уроженец Калифорнии, и, как я теперь понимаю, меня можно назвать калифорнийцем в том числе и по складу характера. В последнем я смог признаться себе лишь недавно... Впрочем, это неважно».

— я не отчаялся я просто отчаянный;
— жить в коробке, но быть независимым;
— иметь странных друзей;
— bisexual catastrophe;
— да кто такая эта ваша расческа;
— не понимает, что происходит,
— делает все ради эстетики;
— случайно занимался греческим и в итоге стал соучастником преступления;
— спать весь день;
— ...или не спать вообще;
— доверчивый;
— выглядит, как булочка с корицей, но на самом деле может тебя убить (или столкнуть с обрыва, who knows).

richard: always kinda not knowing what’s going on, thinks he’s being discreet about his crush but everyone in new england knows who he likes, ‘fuck family’, was gonna be a doctor but decided to fuck it and started studying ancient greek, almost died once, wants to be left alone, bad coffee, likes walking, always romanticizes everything, poor life choices, just waltzes through life not knowing what’s going on most of the time, genuinely surprised when people like him, all he does is eat and sleep tbh, doesn’t understand himself, likes mean girls

Messy notes, pawns in chess, bone-chilling weather, unrequited love, somewhat clueless, wants designer clothing, doesn’t know what they’re doing


Name: John Richard Papen

Age: 28 (when he tells the story)

Gender: Male

Origin: Plano, CA

Occupation: Student (takes Greek with Julian)


long hair?

I’m not really sure what Richard looks like. He doesn’t describe himself a lot. I vaguely remember him saying that he needed to cut his hair. And he was also fairly attractive

Fish out of water
only child
has issues with parents
tries to escape reality
was majoring in pre-med
studied ancient Greek
hated pre-med and studied literature instead
his favorite book is The Great Gatsby
he doesn’t like croquet
Richard represents the American dream. Although he doesn’t stereotypically “go west,” he is presented with many opportunities in Hampden. With this transition, he also has to be self reliant. He doesn’t have his parents to help him. This shows when the Greek group leaves for winter break and Richard refuses to piggy back off of them. He would rather suffer than rely on another to prove that he is good enough to be living alone.

Richard also represents loss of innocence. He was naive when he decided to pursue studying with Julian. When he eventually discovers the group’s secrets, he realizes that some of his first impressions were very wrong.

This leads to isolationism. Richard has always been alone. From the start of the novel, his parents didn’t care for him. He was alone. When interacting with the Greek group, he thought he was happy because he had friends. But he knew inside that he didn’t know them well enough and he was still alone. At the end of the book, he tells us how other people are doing, and what he’s done. He dates Sophie Dearbold, but they eventually break up, leaving Richard alone. And his dream with Henry reminds him that he’s alone.

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